Car vs Car

How much does a commuter train car cost? A Million or so? Then why is it that my $1,200 used Nissan has temperature controls that are far superior to those on a million dollar train car.

I have only asked twice in the 30 years that I've been taking the train, if the conductor could just turn off the air condition and on the other time to turn off the wind blowing fan. It was if I was asking for the world. I'm guessing that conductors hate when you ask about stuff like that.

I've always heard the same answer when I hear other people ask about the train car temperature, they say that the conductors have no control over the air condition or heaters. Then why are they constantly flipping switches in those small electronic closets under the stairs?

I've heard at times and this probably hear say that some of the guy conductors like to keep it real cold in the cars for their female viewing pleasure.

It just seems for a million bucks that there should be automatic temperature controls that keeps the temps at a constant comfortable degree that never needs to be touched by anybody.

I do follow the directions that the conductors give about temperature..... if you don't like the temps in a certain car find another car where the temperature is good for you.

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