Quiet Cars

Metra gets quiet cars....which is a great idea, but just like Metra to screw up implementing them.
All they would have needed to do is buy more stickers so people that are in the Quite Cars, know they are in the Quiet Cars. New comers that don't often ride the trains don't know to look at the sticker on the outside of the cars, they just want to make sure they get on the train.

I've seen 3 altercations so far because people didn't see any signs that said they were in a quiet car.

Metra just print up more stickers.... pretty easy fix.

UPDATE: Metra has put up some more stickers and the conductors now announce about the quite cars, but there are still altercations..... more stickers Metra, that's all that is needed.


Just like Metra to wave off anything that would bring them into this century.... heck they just started to take credit cards, only about a decade late but want do you expect.

No WiFi On Metra Anytime Soon

Metra Says It's Too Expensive
If you want to send e-mails, connect with the office, or just surf the Web while riding a Metra train, you'd better have your own Internet hookup.

Other cities both big and small have set up wi-fi access on their trains. But Metra says it would be too expensive.

Metra says commuters who want wireless internet access should buy the service through their cell phone providers, although this can cost $20 to $60 per month extra and service is less than reliable on trains, the Chicago Tribune reported.

Monsters & Money in the Morning, co-host Dan Jiggetts says Metra should be looking for a sponsor for wi-fi. Of Metra's complaints about wi-fi being too expensive, co-host Mike Hegedus said, "You have just got to be kidding me."

Metra still punches train tickets by hand and only recently started accepting credit cards, the Tribune pointed out.
(© MMX, CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved.)

To Much Salt

Winter is over Metra.... maybe you should clean up your stations now before they crumble due to the salt eating away at everything.

The Western Avenue stop has got to be the worst.... salt even dumped inside the tunnel where no snow can ever reach. The salt has caused the metal drainage to corrode so much that the holes in the drainage have closed and water can no longer drain. The cement is starting to eat away and the metal beams are rusting away. Old salt is piled so high on the stairs at times that it is probably more dangerous to slip on then a wet snowy stair.

Maybe Metra is required to use a certain amount of salt each year and they have to use it up no matter if it snows or not. That must be it.

Metra Monday Delay Day

Arrived at Union Station Monday after work and there were no trains, just one 3 car train that was just standing there running it's engines, making it impossible to hear any announcements. There was a conductor close by but he was telling people he didn't know anything about when a train will be arriving.

Suddenly trains started arriving into the station, but not ours. The conductor was saying something but it was too loud to hear. I walked to where he was going figuring maybe he knew something. Got on a train that wouldn't take me all the way to my station but I was hoping maybe they let this train head all the way to the end, since our train was canceled.

Never heard why there was a delay or why our train never came, but I was now stuck at a station still far away from mine. Called home to find my son waiting for me to drive him to his b-ball game because mom was already there doing the concession stand. Told him that he would need to call a friend and hitch a ride to the game. Finally got another train and headed home 45 minutes late.

Everything pretty much worked out okay, but it made me think that Metra needs to put something into place on the platform in Union station so we can read what is going on, since you can't ever hear anything when trains are in the station. how about scrolling signs kind of like they have at many of the station stops.

If heaven forbid, there is a real disaster going to happen at Union Station no one will ever get a message out to the commuters for instructions of what to do, instead we will all be standing there clueless, wondering.

On-Board Ticket Purchase Penalty

When the on-board ticket purchase penalty first came into existence, I thought it was okay to charge people but 2 bucks seems a bit much... well guess what!... it's going up to 3 bucks, that just seems like way to much. for some people this penalty will be more then the ticket price .... that is so wrong, that's customer service gone bad.
Customer service is something that the Metra Monopoly just doesn't care about.

How about all those people waiting in a line at Union Station in the evening when there are only 2 windows open and a few minutes before their train leaves conductors cut in front of everyone leaving no windows open for the customers to purchase tickets before getting on the train. Then the conductors have the nerve to charge those customers 2 extra bucks.

On one occasion I witnessed a conductor cutting in front of line to do his paper work or whatever they do at the ticket window and this time there was only one window open. A guy in line who was up next asked if he could just get his ticket first because he had been waiting in line patiently and if he didn't get it then he would miss his train or pay the extra 2 bucks. Obviously it wasn't the train that this conductor was working and this conductor didn't care and said he has to do his stuff first.
Hell broke loose and this guy and then someone else in the line started rightfully arguing with the conductor because the conductor was going to make this guy miss his train..... the tone and attitude and words used by this conductor were simply un-called for. I won't repeat it because it was that bad. I knew this conductor was working my train so I kept my mouth shut. I bought my ticket and just made it to my train on time.

So how about, if you are going to raise the price to 5 bucks open up a window just for the conductors at Union so they don't have to cut into the paying customers line or just do away with this stupid penalty and bring back some much needed customer service to Metra, other then getting us from point a to point b.

How about ticket machines in the station and on the train for those running late.
You say you want to sell more monthly and ten ride tickets..... well start placing machine around the city and at unmanned stations or on the train to make it easier for the consumer to buy those tickets.

Get with the times Metra.... just because you finally have a website where you can buy tickets online doesn't make you guys with it..... you guys are still in VHS times.

ATTENTION Metra Passengers!

Platform speakers tell us that the train will be arriving in 5 minutes and a minute after that announcement another one tells us that the train is now arriving. Metra's trying, but when it comes to introducing new technology Metra always seems to screw it up, just a little bit.
There was an occasion when the train went down and no trains were able to head downtown for hours....there was nothing announced on the platform speakers....all of us who stood there for a 1/2 hour were told by another women on the platform, who was told by a friend on the stuck train, who called her on her cell to tell her that there was an accident and no trains will be moving for a while, told all of us so we could find other ways to get into the city..... So Metra what happened that day with the Platform speakers.... the one time we could have really used some important info, Metra was silent.

Adding it all Up

When I think of how many years I've been riding Metra I have to say, all in all, it gets you where you want to go. Hey maybe that should be their new slogan and not "The Way to Really Fly"

Train PA System not a Toy

It seems a few of the conductors are thinking of getting in the voice over business, or maybe becoming DJs or maybe just acting. Lately I've noticed some have been practicing on the PA systems on the train.
What we passengers hear, sometimes at a level so loud it almost makes our ears bleed is stupid jokes, funny voices and I think music from cell phones. I'm going to take a wild guess here but I'm going to estimate that maybe 20% of the passengers thinks this is funny and cute, I'm going to guess the rest think it should stop...... This is just a guess.

Crying Wolf with Horn

I've noticed lately that one engineer on the line I take is blowing his horn so loud and so long that I can hear him coming from 4 stops away. When he gets closer and is crossing streets before getting to the station the long blasts sound so loud and so often like it is for an emergency warning. However there are no emergencies, this is just how this engineer blows his horn. All the other engineers that come by just give it a normal blow. Someone please ask this engineer if they have ever heard of crying wolf ..... some day there will be a real emergency where their loud horn blast will actually warn someone. People in the area are getting so use to the emergency type loud blasts that it just starts seeming like a normal horn blast.... which was proven today when 2 people raced their cars past the gates as the horns were loudly blowing and the gates were going down.

Maybe trains should only blow their horns when they need to warn someone in an emergency. Many crossings there isn't even a horn blast at all... what is that all about. Some crossings you blow the horn and some you don't...... whatever!

On-Line 10 Ride Ticket 2 Large

It has been wonderful buying my 10 rides on-line and getting them in the mail days later. But!.....yes there is always a small but with Metra..... the tickets are over-sized in length. Metra, why would you make a ticket larger then the length of a credit card. It doesn't fit in a wallet or a credit card holder or with my security door pass holder for work. Come on Metra, don't make me fold my ten ride. :)

Metra's Scheduled Delay

Only a monopoly like Metra could get away with what Metra invented and calls a train waiting around on the tracks a scheduled delay.

Every day on many of their train schedules, Metra trains wait for other Metra trains to clear the tracks. This is because in some areas that Metra services there are only single tracks leading to and from those areas. It just doesn't seem right that there is something called a scheduled delay. Back when they scheduled trains to leave and arrived at a certain times how about holding back a train a few more minutes at the starting station so there is never a delay.

A few minutes a day delay isn't such a bad thing, but when I think of those people who have been taking the train most of their lives those minutes are now counted by wasted hours.

Metra Hard Core Viewers

If you really love to watch Metra trains CLICK HERE

Free WiFi

There is a train system in Oregon that has free wifi for its riders. Trimet Rail Line in Oregon
Check it out Metra, how about it!

Tickets From Metrarail.com

Ordered tickets online at http://www.metrarail.com with my credit card and they came in 4 days.
This is so much better then the ticket by mail plan they had before where I had to give them all my bank info for a 10 ride and best of all, I will never have to stand at a ticket window again. Thank you Metra!

Car vs Car

How much does a commuter train car cost? A Million or so? Then why is it that my $1,200 used Nissan has temperature controls that are far superior to those on a million dollar train car.

I have only asked twice in the 30 years that I've been taking the train, if the conductor could just turn off the air condition and on the other time to turn off the wind blowing fan. It was if I was asking for the world. I'm guessing that conductors hate when you ask about stuff like that.

I've always heard the same answer when I hear other people ask about the train car temperature, they say that the conductors have no control over the air condition or heaters. Then why are they constantly flipping switches in those small electronic closets under the stairs?

I've heard at times and this probably hear say that some of the guy conductors like to keep it real cold in the cars for their female viewing pleasure.

It just seems for a million bucks that there should be automatic temperature controls that keeps the temps at a constant comfortable degree that never needs to be touched by anybody.

I do follow the directions that the conductors give about temperature..... if you don't like the temps in a certain car find another car where the temperature is good for you.

IPod Relief

Must be a full moon! 6am train & bus commute were hell this morning, guy on cell letting the whole car know about his life/divorce while another guy on the other side of the car was talking to a guy right next to him in a volume where everyone in the car could hear and he made sure he used the f word in every sentence. Talking about how F@*&ing great a trader he is and how the guy he was talking to isn't a good enough trader and he should step it up and follow how he works. It didn't end after getting off the train, it continued on the bus as a couple were spatting over something, don't know what about because I turned on my ipod, loud. Thank you Steve Jobs for the ipod!

Metra's Quick Schedule?

Metra's new website is up and it's great that you can now buy tickets online with a credit card. Hooray!!!!!
One thing that is missing from their new site is the quick schedule drop down menu that worked so well on their old site. Now it takes either 5 clicks if you want to find a schedule for a specific train line and time or 3 clicks from the home page to download the pdf schedule. Metra, please bring back the quick schedule drop down schedule, it was so nice and fast and easy.

No Power

Have you ever wondered why the newer train cars have reading lights when they have florescent lights on all the time? I decided I would see how well these reading lights worked. Maybe they are some kind of wonder bulb that works well combined with other lights. Nope! They don’t even work. Why even install something like this?
Here is an idea, how about switching out the light and the light switch and install an electric outlet. There are many occasions when commuters forget to juice up their electronics before hopping on the train. Many commuters have a hour and a half commute home and many times their laptops run out of juice and a outlet would be a great thing to have. Oh wait, those reading lights are just for show and don't have any power to them..... what a waste!
CUSTOMER SERVICE! Metra try giving it sometime, it's good for business!

Conductor puts passengers in DANGER ON THE 5:50

UPDATE: I spoke to soon about the one conductor opening up the cars early, he is back and still putting the passengers in harms way.
I've noticed that every day on the platform where the 5:50pm train leaves from, hundreds of people crowd in front of the doors, just waiting and waiting, while it gets more and more crowed as it gets to be 5 to 10 minutes before the train leaves, then finally the doors open, then hundreds of passengers start rushing, pushing and cutting in front of each other while hurrying to get a good seat. That's not even the dangerous part, the danger comes from all those people being on the platform where the amount of passengers is more then the platform should hold. people are so crowded that they have to step down onto the tracks to get around people that are standing and waiting for the conductor to get done with his slow moving ,check out each car routine. Only one time did I see another train pull into the other side tracks while it was this crowed and I was so scared watching as people were so close to the side of this incoming train, I was sure someone was going to be run over.
A solution already presented itself when the regular conductors were on vacation. The filling in young conductors opened the 5:50 doors right when the train arrived at around 4:35 where there were hardly any people waiting and these conductors checked the cars while these few people were sitting in their seats. Then the regular conductors came back after a week and the dangerous routine started right back up.
Hopefully nobody will get run over, but if someone does, don't say I didn't warn you.

Sorry for the Delay, Metra apologizes for any inconvenience

I think that more then 80% of the delays are said to be caused by signal problems. At least that is what the PA system on the train always tells us. That's just amazing to me that in 2009 Metra can't figure out a way with all the electronic advancements, they can't find some way to run their signals with next to no problems. Hey maybe get a airline traffic controller to take over. Airplanes can fly anywhere and almost never hit each other. Trains run on a permanent placed track, that only cross each other now and then. Heck, airline traffic controllers would probably find train traffic a walk in the park, meaning easy.
Oh wait Metra doesn't need to improve anything because they are a monopoly.

Metrarail's New Website

Metra is saying it will be getting a new website soon, where you can actually buy tickets with your credit card. I can't believe it, it's actually a reality.... Go HERE To METRARAIL.COM to see their new website.

Half My Life

When one spends half their life riding on a Metra train, one picks up a few good stories.