Metra Monday Delay Day

Arrived at Union Station Monday after work and there were no trains, just one 3 car train that was just standing there running it's engines, making it impossible to hear any announcements. There was a conductor close by but he was telling people he didn't know anything about when a train will be arriving.

Suddenly trains started arriving into the station, but not ours. The conductor was saying something but it was too loud to hear. I walked to where he was going figuring maybe he knew something. Got on a train that wouldn't take me all the way to my station but I was hoping maybe they let this train head all the way to the end, since our train was canceled.

Never heard why there was a delay or why our train never came, but I was now stuck at a station still far away from mine. Called home to find my son waiting for me to drive him to his b-ball game because mom was already there doing the concession stand. Told him that he would need to call a friend and hitch a ride to the game. Finally got another train and headed home 45 minutes late.

Everything pretty much worked out okay, but it made me think that Metra needs to put something into place on the platform in Union station so we can read what is going on, since you can't ever hear anything when trains are in the station. how about scrolling signs kind of like they have at many of the station stops.

If heaven forbid, there is a real disaster going to happen at Union Station no one will ever get a message out to the commuters for instructions of what to do, instead we will all be standing there clueless, wondering.

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